Access to RDP directories is managed via CruzID group membership using the CruzID Manager web site.
Each directory created on the Research Data Platform is associated with a CruzID group, enabling faculty and their delegates to easily manage access.
The CruzID Manager site includes a group management page where group managers can add or remove group members and additional group managers. Note that managers are not automatically members; if a manager needs to access the directory they must also be added as a member.
When individually adding members or managers allow the input field to search and display a list of matches, then select the correct name before proceeding to click the “Add Member” or “Add Manager” button. If you provide only the CruzID account name the interface will fail to make any changes.
Users can also be added in bulk using the “Bulk Add” link. In this mode you can provide a simple list of CruzID account names, one per line, without waiting for the web interface to confirm their validity.